
Note: This product is in a package of 10 Inserts. If you order 1, you will receive 10 Carbide Inserts Z27N.
The price you see in the table is the single item price.
Product Name PITCH I.C. l s x R/L SFM    
Z27NL 4UN Z6P PITCH:4 I.C.:.625 l:.802 s:.242 x:.126 R/L:L
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Z27NR 4UN Z6P PITCH:4 I.C.:.625 l:.802 s:.242 x:.126 R/L:R
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Z27NL 4.5UN Z6P PITCH:4.5 I.C.:.625 l:.802 s:.242 x:.126 R/L:L
File SFM
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Z27NR 4.5UN Z6P PITCH:4.5 I.C.:.625 l:.802 s:.242 x:.126 R/L:R
File SFM
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